Contact us
e produce a twice yearly newsletter which is sent to all supporters. It is not available online but a copy of the latest edition, and back numbers if required, can be supplied to anyone interested. A £1 contribution towards production and postage costs is requested.
Alvaston Methodist Church DerbyHolds the huge sales and the FKC AGM. It is a big supporter of FKC.
Good News Crusade
A Christian organisation who have worked alongside FKC to build and support the school.

You can contact us by email at ContactUs@fkc.org.uk
We will respond as soon as we can.
FKC holds its Annual General Meeting in August. All Supporters are welcome to attend, although only Members can vote and an invitation will be sent to anyone interested.
The Annual Report and Accounts are made available to all Members and to Supporters attending the AGM. After the meeting they are available by email or post to anyone interested in the work.