About FKC
Our Aims
When FKC was formed in 2004 its mission statement was as follows :-Friends of Kenya's Children will endeavour to relieve the need of orphaned, abandoned or homeless children in Lodwar and Eldoret, in partnership with Christian Outreach Ministries Worldwide(COM).
Our Motto, "Out of poverty through education" recognises that the best way to help a child escape the poverty trap is to enable him/her to attend school. Therefore FKC is committed to supporting the development of a school in Kahoya, a poor community near Eldoret. In addition to serving the local community, this school accepts as boarders orphaned or abandoned children from Lodwar and other areas.
Potted History
At Good News Crusade's (GNC) summer camp, two people from Derby met a Kenyan pastor. He described a problem he had back home. He was responsible for 115 orphans in Lodwar, a desert region 350 miles north of his home town of Eldoret. His church, in the Eldoret slum area, was not able to support the children.2004
A registered charity, Friends of Kenya's Children, was formed by the Derby group to raise funds for the school2005
The Pastor's vision, also supported by GNC, was to build a school to meet the needs of his community, and to move some of the Lodwar children to the better environment of Eldoret to board at the school. The Derby folk created a registered charity, Friends of Kenya's Children, and set about raising funds for the school.2006
A school was started in temporary huts on leased land and land was bought, with funds from GNC and FKC, for a permanent building. 2010
A beautiful school now stands at the heart of that community, its pride and joy. It has 160 pupils and 38 boarders, with more children added each term, and 38 are orphans from Lodwar and elsewhere receiving love, attention and education that will change their lives for the better.2011
The school intends to achieve self sufficiency for the future. To that end, qualified teachers have been appointed.2015
Champions Preparatory School is now a Government registered Private Primary School and FKC works directly with the Board of this school and no longer works with or through COM Worldwide.2017
Champions School is now almost self-supporting for day to day running, FKC now seeks to enable the school to continue to provide for the orphaned or otherwise needy children who board at the school. Without funding from FKC these children would lose their life-changing home, security and education.2020
2020 FKC has funded the purchase of a school minibus, modern school furnishings and, with the help of a grant from a larger charity, the required technology for the new primary school curriculum.2021
Current projects include the drilling of a well in the school compound and the provision of solar energy. .
You can also see our progress in our archives section :-
There are sections on the building work,
our early years general timeline
and some of the stories about those involved.

Our Logo
Our logo represents firstly the colour of the soil in the area and the heat of the sun where FKC works. The arrow implies people working to achieve independence and break out of poverty.