Matthew (1)

atthew is a 6 year old boy in the pre-school class at the Eldoret school. His mother died of HIV/Aids when he was 2. His father struggles to make a living as a local artisan.
It is difficult for him to provide for Matthew especially when it comes to basic needs. Matthew is often unable to concentrate in class owing to hunger bought about by this extreme poverty. He sometimes goes without breakfast and even supper from the night before. He also often feels uncomfortable at school since he has just one set of school clothes which are often dirty. He simply says there is no soap to wash his clothes.M
atthew is striving to overcome all these setbacks and performing outstandingly at school. He aspires to be a lawyer and his academic performance and assertive personality give hope for a bright future.I
f you can help us at FKC we can give many more children like Matthew a chance to rid themselves of wretched poverty and turn their lives around.