Martha (2)

artha is a 10 year old girl. She is in class standard 3 at the Eldoret school. She is an orphan.
Her father died when she was too young to know him and then 8 years later she also lost her mother. She has since been staying with different people from time to time.S
he currently stays with her elder sister who is 20 but with no job and no prospects. They live in a one room mud walled house in the slum area of Eldoret.
artha has had a delayed education being unable to afford school fees. She is now in our school and does not pay fees.M
artha is clearly traumatized by all that has happened to her and she suffers from very low self-esteem. S
he says she would like to be a doctor when she is older but she does not know how ever this could happen.I
f you can help us at FKC we can give many more children like Martha a chance to lift themselves out of the position of not having any choices in life.