FKC Timeline (3)
August 2004
he pastor visits Derby after the Good News Crusade camp. With a home made video of the children and footage from Kenyan national news of the effects of the drought, he illustrates the need to two meetings of interested people.
His hope is to move the orphaned children eventually from Lodwar to Eldoret, where opportunities for life and education are so much better.October 2004
generous gift starts the relocation fund. The 20 sickliest children move from Lodwar to stay with families in the Eldoret church, being fed and taught each day in derelict buildings close to the church.December 2004

and near to the church leased, temporary buildings to be erected for a school.
Offer of furniture from a hospital closure results in a decision to send a container of goods out to Eldoret. Collection of goods and fund raising begins.£1 a week fund grows and is a great help in feeding the children.
Second newsletter issued.